How To Control Diabetes And High Blood Sugar With Healthy Diet And Ayurveda

How To Control Diabetes And High Blood Sugar With Healthy Diet And Ayurveda

Control Diabetes: Diabetes has become such a disease, due to which the number of troubled people is increasing continuously. Along with adults and youth, now children are also falling prey to it. In both diabetes type-1 and diabetes type-2 problems, such a situation occurs after a time, when the effect of sugar disease damages other parts of the body very badly. Both heart and kidney are such organs, which start deteriorating due to prolonged illness of sugar.

Diabetes affects the body like this

  • According to medical science, people who have sugar problems, especially diabetes type-1, have heart-related diseases at a much younger age than those who are not sugar patients.
  • Such patients of Diabetes Type-1, who have been fighting the disease for 10 to 15 years, out of every 3 such patients, 1 patient gets kidney or heart problem. Because the increased blood sugar level damages both these organs badly.

How to take care of heart and kidney in sugar?

Here we have brought some very common rules related to Ayurveda, which are related to food and drink. By adopting these, you can keep your heart and kidney healthy in both diabetes type-1 and diabetes type-2 diabetes patients.

  • Start the day with one spoon of fenugreek seeds. Keep it soaked in water at night and chew it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon powder to your water, tea or coffee and consume it at least twice a day.
  • Once a day, drink 10 to 20 ml apple cider vinegar ie apple vinegar one hour before eating or one hour after eating food.
  • Do not consume salt and dairy products i.e. milk, tea, coffee, curd, paneer etc. once a week. Take only fruits on this day. If you do this once a week, you will get good results soon. But if you are unable to do this, then definitely do this once in every 15 days.
  • Do breathing exercises like pranayama and meditation for just 20 minutes a day. There must be 6 hours of physical exercise in a week.
  • Drink sufficient amount of water every day according to the weather and the needs of the body.
  • Ginger and garlic must be included in your diet. Make them an essential part of the food.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If you are troubled by sore throat, burning sensation and pain, then definitely try these home remedies, there will be no need for medicines.

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